Monday, July 27, 2009

I shouldn't Publish this Post till I have a Picture of my Pie.

On my time off from work, I’ve been filling my days with fun activities while it’s still summer!

Caramel Apple Pie... delicious!

When’s the last time you took your daughter to the aquarium on a Tuesday? Go.

Brian loving the sharks at the Tulsa Aquarium. They swim over your head, so cool! I touched a stingray.

Some improvements to my room.

I used fabric I got from fabric worm to cover the boxes and lamp. And who doesn’t love some bright flowers in a window!

Alvin, Simon, and Theodore.
I’ve been doing my independent study in the chipmunk lab this summer, and they’re just so darn cute I wanted to show some pics!

Can I have four beers?

Sittin on a rope.

Baby Chipmunk!!

He fell asleep while trying to eat this pellet.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

New Experiences

For the past couple of weeks, I've been opening up my creative outlet, just to see what will pop out. So here are a couple of things I have been doing!

My first pie ever! And trust me, it was quite delish!

My painting is finally done! I call it... The Dancing Tree. I loved making this, although it did take me forever!

Today I went to observe pediatric physical therapy, and it was so different from adult outpatient. Most of the kids I saw had developmental disorders. My favorite was a little girl who had cerebral palsy, and loved dora the explorer. She was such a smiley and silly girl. I'm not sure how I feel about peds PT for me, but I really liked observing the sessions because the PTs try to make everything fun and a game for the children. And they are all so gosh darn cute!

I haven't been very computery this summer. I will try to blog more!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Roaming with the Buffalo

So last Sunday I went to Wichita Mountains to do some hiking, and I have to say my favorite part was the BUFFALO! Reasons to love buffs: chin beards, look like they came from the ice age, cow noses, naked bootays, they make me giggle with delight, and baby buffalo! It was really nice to be alone with nature, and also to ride the buffalo across the Oklahoma plains (Hey! You can't tell me it didn't happen!).

That night I went to Carolyns Birthday, which was so fun! It was a little sad at first, because while me, Kirsten and Tracy were sitting in the living room I was thinking "so when is everyone else going to get here?", but there is noone else! The new group dynamic is a little strange for me. Tracy says we will just have to be EXTRA loud! I was thinking maybe we could start having PS tryouts? Brad audition: "Do you feel comfortable dancing up on old women?" "No, I'm sorry, that face isn't quite awkward enough."

Monday was my Birthday!! I had a hoot-and-hollerin' good time! Tracy, Kirsten, and Brian accompanied me for dinner and bar hoppin! I ended up getting one insanely strong hurricane down ("extremely is an understatement" -Kirsten Boggs), a yummy swirl from the Mont, and 15 SHOTS! There weren't two many people at the bars because it was a Monday night, but Kirsten did manage to get two creepos to follow us around (they looked like greesy Italian boys to me, but my judgement was a little cloudy). Durring dinner I got my favorite Birthday present, a call from Laura! I miss her so much, It was so nice to hear her voice.

So I think it goes without saying that I was extremely hungover yesterday. I couldn't keep anything down, not even water! I barely started to walk around by 2:00. Brian had to drive me to feed the chipmunks cause I couldn't hold my head up to drive! It was bad.

Tomorrow I have an appointment with the gyno, which I've never been to. Not really looking forward to it. Laura told be he's a really old guy that talks about sports, so maybe it won't be too bad.